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3 Myths About Braces

For many years, braces have been associated with myths and misconceptions. Individuals considering orthodontic care often feel uncertain due to these myths. In this article, we’ll take a look at some common misconceptions about braces.

Myth 1: Braces are only for cosmetic purposes

Braces are not only good for creating a beautiful smile, but also for correcting misaligned teeth, improving bite function, and improving overall health. When your teeth are aligned correctly, they are easier to clean and maintain, which reduces your risk of developing oral health issues like gum disease and tooth decay.

Braces can also improve oral health by rectifying orthodontic issues, such as overcrowding, gaps, overbites, underbites, and crossbites.

Myth 2: Wearing braces is painful

Braces can cause discomfort, particularly after initial placement and after adjustments. Most people are able to adjust to the feeling within a few days.

Myth 3: Braces are unsightly

Unlike traditional metal braces, clear braces or invisible aligners offer a more discreet treatment option. Many individuals prefer these alternatives since they are less noticeable.

In order to make an informed decision regarding orthodontic treatment, it’s important to know the truth behind these myths. If you have any doubts regarding braces, consult an orthodontist for an assessment. Having an orthodontist assess your teeth and discuss treatment options can clarify any misconceptions you may have about braces.


3 Myths About Braces

Dr Joyce Ong

Dr Joyce is a registered Specialist in Orthodontics with the Singapore Dental Council. She graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the National University of Singapore, and subsequently completed her Masters of Dental Surgery in Orthodontics with dual accreditation from the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh). Dr Joyce was awarded the prestigious John McDonald medal (M Orth international) for the most meritorious performance in the Membership in Orthodontics Examination.

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